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Emerging Spirit by Cassandra Tondro (Acrylic Painting) | Artful Home
Emerging Spirit by Cassandra Tondro (Acrylic Painting) | Artful Home

Emerging Spirit

Acrylic Painting

Created by Cassandra Tondro
This painting was created using a subtle color palette of gray juxtaposed with rust, orange, and purple. The brighter colors emerge out of a mist or haze as an expression of awakening.

The artist's "Gaia" paintings developed out of an accident of spilled paint on the floor. Tondro noticed the beautiful patterns in the puddle, and didn't want the paint to go to waste. She pushed a canvas into the wet paint, and discovered a whole new world of amazing patterns and designs.

Since that epiphany, she has developed these paintings through the use of precise pull techniques and surfactants added to the paint. She continues to be amazed by the variety of art she can create this way, and each painting is completely unique and surprising.

The "Gaia" paintings represent a sampling of Gaia, the living Earth, manifest through paint on canvas. The free flowing patterns resemble the natural patterns of plants, flowers, water, sky, rocks and gems.

Sustainability is an important part of Tondro's artistic practice, and this painting was created using repurposed leftover house paint that would otherwise go to waste.

Original repurposed acrylic latex painting on gallery-wrapped canvas with painted sides. Ready to hang with or without a frame.