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Catena 8 by Virginia Bradley (Oil Painting) | Artful Home
Catena 8 by Virginia Bradley (Oil Painting) | Artful Home

Catena 8

Oil Painting

Created by Virginia Bradley
Bradley's painting process involves the transformation of materials as she searches for meaning. She had been considering how the pace of life had changed because of the Covid pandemic. At moments time seemed to stand still and other times when it seemed to race by. She came upon the word "catena," which refers to related moments or an interlocking chain. In the context of my work, catena spoke to the chain of chemical reactions and physical engagements that are the continuum of her painting and life.

The artist's "Catena Series" began in August 2020. The series traverses a wide territory with the common denominator being a horizon that is sometimes obvious or buried beneath the surface of the image. "Catena 8-12" are smaller paintings that were begun in the artist's Puerto Rico Studio in March and April 2021 and were finished in the rainy and lush Berkshire summer.