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The Corner by Bonnie Lambert (Oil Painting) | Artful Home
The Corner by Bonnie Lambert (Oil Painting) | Artful Home

The Corner

Oil Painting

Created by Bonnie Lambert
"The Corner" is a view up the street and around the corner from the artist's home in Burbank, California. The painting was inspired by a reference photo that she snapped at twilight after a rain shower and as the street lights were just blinking on.

Lambert is inspired by compelling visual stories, intense contrast, brilliant colors, and the hand-of-man dancing with nature. Transitional times of day (sunset, sunrise) and dramatic skies especially bring her joy. She is constantly on the lookout for an inspiring combination of location and light, and she luckily happened on it for "The Corner".

This work is rendered in many layers of oil paint on gallery-wrapped canvas with the image continuing around the sides.